Buy rice for 2 families for only $50


Consider 4 FAMILIES for ONLY $100 TODAY!

PROJECT MP | HUMAN Trafficking Prevention Cambodia

Starting on January 27th, (during Human Trafficking Awareness Month) Project Missionary Position, Global Fashion Mission will be going on a trip through three impoverished provinces in Cambodia.

Educate local families regarding the dangers of human trafficking. To help us gather and assist the families, we will also give them each a 50-pound bag of rice.

Cambodia is one of the leading countries where children are taken advantage of in trafficking. This is mainly from a direct result from the poverty affecting the families in the rural areas. Oftentimes, to ensure the continual survival of their families, parents must travel a distance to find work. This leaves their children exposed to the dangers of human trafficking, sometimes through outright kidnappings or unscrupulous organizations. Naïve parents are approached by modern day slave traders (human traffickers) who promise, with outright lies, a better life. The children are then shipped off to be used in horrible working conditions as child laborers and house cleaners - who are usually abused and stuck once they arrive. And the worst of all, many young girls and boys are selected and sent to become sex workers. Alone with no family, their passports confiscated, these vulnerable babies are literally locked away.

During our two-week journey, we will be visiting the Provinces of Mondulkiri, Prey Veng, and Kompong Speu in Cambodia. We hope to be able to reach a total of 300 families (100 families in each of the three provinces) and help educate families on the warning signs of human trafficking and how to protect their children.

During our time there, we will also be given the opportunity to train local leaders to continue to share the dangers of human trafficking. Each bag of rice will help feed a family of four for several months.

“ No one has ever become poor by giving. " - Anne Frank